
And still on the subject of rain...

Dancing Naked in the Rain
by Ralph Esposito

I danced in the rain the other night,
naked. Soft droplets cuddled my skin.
Perhaps I looked foolish, a childish sight,
reminiscent of a sixties love-in.

Aberration, disorder, or mental disease?
Freedom, fulfillment, journey or quest?
All of the above could fit me with ease.
Others will judge; they always know best.

I abandoned convention, not knowing why.
Was it some shadow setting me free?
There arose a command not to be shy,
to live instead with integrity.

What works in my life, others may scorn.
They'll decide standards, edicts, decree,
being stable and wise, normal, true-born.
If I live by their creed, then what of me?



"Rain, rain go away,
please come back some other day.
Rain, rain go away,
I want to come out and play."
-- a Nursery Rhyme

The last few weeks has had a depressing, bone-drenching, emotion-numbing, spirit-crushing amount of rain. Dark skies, hardly any sun, and the worst thing is that most of the time, the sun will shine as bright as anything in the morning, only to have the weather totally turn to absolute shit by lunchtime.

False hope is the worst, after all.

Only good thing so far is that the weather on the weekends have been quite fair by comparison. For the last two weekends the sun was shining all the way from Saturday morning till Sunday night. This weekend though, although the sun still shines, but there's always dark clouds hanging over the horizon, and there's the occasional half-hearted light rain.


Dammit. I really need to start getting a decent amount of sun before I get totally depressed.

That's why -- for now at least -- I hate rain.

With a vengeance.


Life is funny

Work's been good so far. Haven't had much time to do anything else though. But the projects I've been working on recently is rather fun. Writing and designing games for mobile phones is something that really fits into my dreams.

When I first started off studying computing, I've wanted to become a game designer/programmer, but then I eventually dismissed it as just a young kid's fantasy. And now, I'm actually living my dream!

It's surprising how when you least expect it, when you give up on something, when you think: "Nah... that's never gonna happen.", life suddenly turns around and surprises you?

But of course, it works both ways, when you really want it, when you're absolutely optimistic about something, it never happens. Lady Luck just turns her shining face away from you. Life's funny that way, don't you think?

Anyhoo, although work's fine, i do have to deal with the occasional annoying, two-faced, fickle-minded, back-stabbing client. But other than that, it's pretty hunky dory, so I don't really have much to complain about. :)

Met a lot of really nice people from my talent school. They're all quite friendly, and we all hang out together quite a bit. So even if I won't be a big-time celebrity (in fact, not bloody likely :P), at least I would've made some really nice friends to hang out and have fun with.

Well... I guess that's about it for now. I'll try to update more often from now on. ("try" being the operative word of course).



The Silence

Found this at www.poems.org:

The Silence
Philip Schultz

for RJ

You always called late and drunk,
your voice luxurious with pain,
I, tightly wrapped in dreaming,
listening as if to a ghost.

Tonight a friend called to say your body
was found in your apartment, where
it had lain for days. You'd lost your job,
stopped writing, saw nobody for weeks.
Your heart, he said. Drink had destroyed you.

We met in a college town, first teaching jobs,
poems flowing from a grief we enshrined
with myth and alcohol. I envied the way
women looked at you, a bear blunt with rage,
tearing through an ever-darkening wood.

Once we traded poems like photos of women
whose beauty tested God's faith. 'Read this one
about how friendship among the young can't last,
it will rip your heart out of your chest!'

Once you called to say J was leaving,
the pain stuck in your throat like a razor blade.
A woman was calling me back to bed
so I said I'd call back. But I never did.

The deep forlorn smell of moss and pine
behind your stone house, you strumming
and singing Lorca, Vallejo, De Andrade,
as if each syllable tasted of blood,
as if you had all the time in the world. . .

You knew your angels loved you
but you also knew they would leave
someone they could not save.


From the inside looking out

Well, well, this is the first time I'm writing from my office.

It's been a week now since I started, and I'm still getting used to sleeping and waking like a normal human being.

Life's been good so far, but I miss the days when I can just lie around at home doing absolutely nothing on a weekday. :P So before I was on the outside looking in, and now I'm on the inside looking out, missing all the things I used to be able to do.

But hell, I can't complain. At least I've got a full-time job now, right? :)

Anyhoo, I better get back to work.

See ya!


The Wheel of Fortune

"The wheel of fortune turns,
round and round it goes.
Where it stops,
no one knows"

The Dead Zone, Episode 1, "Wheel of Fortune"

No, you smeg. Not that Wheel of Fortune. Not the one with Vanna White. :P

With all the luck that I've been getting lately, I've been thinking more and more about how life always has its ups and downs , and how things can't just be good all the time. After all, the wheel of fortune always turns round and round, and sometimes you'll be on top, other times you'll be down below. And I'm just wondering when it's my turn to be down again.

Call me a pessimist if you will, but I prefer to think that I'm a realist. There is absolutely NO WAY that a person can be lucky all the time. At one point or another a lucky streak will end. Lady Luck will move away. The Cornucopia will move on. And Fortuna will smile on someone else.

I just hope the fall won't hurt too much... :|


Blog HOT or NOT?

Remember AmIHotOrNot?

Remember MonkeyHotOrNot?

Is my Blog HOT or NOT?


This could be you...

Yes, yes, yes, yes, YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

I have finally gotten a job!!! Well, actually, not just one job, but two!

It all started on monday. My flatmate told me the day before that he's going for this talent audition thing for fun and for a chance to maybe earn some extra pocket money. He asked me if I wanted to come along and I said sure, why not? So on Monday, I went down to my old school (still kinda feels weird to say that), and talked to some staffers that I used to work with a lot. And, as usual, I complained about not being able to find a job yet. One of them said that normally, when the offers finally come, they'll all come at the same time. After that, I went for the audition at this talent management company. So I went in, did it, thought they hated me, went home, and thought no more of it.

Now, yesterday night, the talent agency called to say that I passed the screening and that I had to come down for a briefing the next day (that is, today). So I thought, cool, why not?

And today, at the briefing, I got a call from the company that I went to for an interview last Thursday (remember? if you don't, read the previous entry), and I had to tell her that I was going to have to call her back. And I thought to myself, "God, I think I just screwed myself real bad this time." After the briefing, I called up the company, and I GOT THE JOB!!!

So who knows? If you're still out there, unemployed and looking for a job... you'll never know.

This could be you. ;)


Bein' broke ain't no joke!

Just went for another job interview on Thursday. Hopefully this time I'll get a job. Being broke ain't no joke I tell ya! You can't do anything and just have fun without worrying about budgeting.


I dunno if you guys know about that Barenaked Ladies song: If I Had A Million Dollars. Well, I wish I had a million dollars. Imagine the things I can do with it!

Anyway, I gotta stop dreaming and get a real job. :P

Been picking up my dear old guitar again. Haven't touched her for a long, long time. She's been with me for... hmm... let's see.... about 7 or 8 years now? I should restring her one of these days, when I can afford it. Till then, I'm just gonna have to settle for the old strings. Not that I'm complaining or anything. I mean, she still sounds as lovely as ever, but they get out of tune faster and faster these days.

Speaking of which, I still haven't gotten around to naming my guitar yet. I know it's a she, but I don't know what to call her yet.

Anyhoo, I think I should go to bed soon...

Ciao! :D


Life Or Something Like It

"Things happen.
Things you never see coming.
Then you think afterward: If I'd known this, would I have changed things?
Would I have done more?
Or would I be thinking: 'I need more time?'"

-- Lanie Kerrigan (Angelina Jolie), Life Or Something Like It

Just finished watching the show Life or Something Like It. It's a really good show, and it got me thinking...

What would I do if I had just one week to live? Or even, like in Tuesdays With Morrie, which, incidentally, is a really good book, what would I do if I had only one day to live? What would be the perfect day?

If I had one week to live, I'd travel. Go to all the places that I've always wanted to go, take in the sights, try to remember every single detail, and burn it into my memory. Take long walks all around the cities and villages and mountains and beaches and forests and lakes, and just drink in everything.

And on my last day on earth, I would wake up early in the morning, go to the beach, and watch the sun rise. Then I'd take a walk to a nice little seaside cafe, and have breakfast there, watching the world wake up. I would then go to town, and sit down in a cafe, have lunch, sip on cappuccinos, and watch the world go by, looking at all the faces, guessing what each of them felt. And in the afternoon, I'd go for a stroll in a park near a lake, and watch the sun set behind the mountains across the lake while sitting on the top of a hillock that slopes gently down all the way to the lake. And then, in the evening, I would get in touch with all the people that I love, have them all come over for a nice dinner, and then after dinner I would sit down with each one, look each of them in the eye, etch their faces in my memory and tell them that I love them.

Now the question is: What would you do? :)


Voluntary Blog Plugs

As you obviously should know by now, I have some friends who are overseas on exchange programs right now.

Well, from two different parts of the world, they're writing about how their experiences there; initial jitters, the excitement of discovery, finding preconceptions to be true/false... and the list goes on.

Anyway, if you want to find out what it's like to be an exchange student in the US, go to: http://firestarter.deep-ice.com and to http://www.livejournal.com/~tinderbox

Or, if you want to find out what it's like to be an exchange student in the UK, go to: http://www.livejournal.com/~breadcrumbs

Enjoy! :)

(Still) Unemployed

Yep. It's final. I'm still officially unemployed.

I've been trying to reach the guy who interviewed me for the past few days, and I finally got hold of him today. And it's official, I was rejected, because I'm "not suitable for the job."

Oh well...

Time to hit the road again then I guess.


Found this one on one of my friends' blogs.

Short, sweet and genuine. Really rare these days. :)


As I sit here in front of my terminal,
thinking of our little conversations,
a little rude and caustic, smoothened out with a whole load of sweet!
How many little ups and downs our days are made,
Sometimes tempers flare, and irritation boils over.
But at the end of the day, a kiss (maybe a lot more than just a kiss!)
and all is well, and we lie in bed at night.
Sleeping in each other's arms, fitting snuggly,
with your head on my chest. I run my hands through your hair,
and I rub your back, reassuringly. Maybe with the intention of telling
"everything's all right baby...everything's all right".
And before we drift, we whisper words, only meant for our hearts to hear.



Howdy, folks.

Just went for my first interview for management trainee at Starbucks today. Hopefully I'll get it. Only thing is, I'll know within the week if I get to go for the second interview, and then I'll need to wait again for them to let me know if I get the job.

Oh well...

Like my Chem teacher used to say...

Patience is a virtue,
have it if you can.
Find it in a woman,
never in a man.


*tap fingers*

*tap feet*

*walk around*

*tap feet*



Smoke and Mirrors...

Well, well... I haven't been updating this blog for quite some time now.

A lot of things happened in the meantime. I've officially graduated, for one. Had my commencement ceremony a couple of days ago; and thankfully, it was quite short. :P

Other than that, I've officially been unemployed for roughly 4 months now, give or take a few weeks... And a lot of my friends have gone on to their exchange programs in the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Holland, Sweden and various other European countries. Going to all the places that I've always wanted to go to. Oh, well.... hopefully one day.... :)

I have hardly anything to do nowadays, other than wait for calls for interviews and to send out more resumes. Catch up with friends every now and then, and so on and so forth.

It's funny how on graduation day, everyone shakes hands, hugs each other, and promises to keep in touch. Although deep down inside, we all know that we won't keep in touch with most of them. Maybe hearing through the grapevine a few years down the road:

"Oh, by the way, did you hear? so-and-so married what's-his-name."

"Oh, I guess you haven't heard the news. That-guy-who-always-sits-on-the-2nd-row-in-that-professor-dude's-class passed away a couple of months ago."

And at least half the time you wouldn't even remember who they're talking about, and you have to pretend that you do.

Kinda pathetic don't you think?

My friends who are still studying keep on telling me that they wished they'd already graduated. And I always tell them the same thing: "Hey, kid, the grass is always greener on the other side. I wish I was still in school."

And I guess that's really the point, isn't it? We're never happy with what we've got, and so we look to everyone else and we think that we like what we see. Believe me: it's all smoke and mirrors, my friends...

Just smoke and mirrors.


Life Sucks (or "How Life is Always Unfair")

Bad things always seem to happen to good people.

One of my friends just passed away today, and he was at the prime of his life. Some freak accident took him away from his family, his friends and his girlfriend just as he was getting ready to finally start working. He had just finished school, and he would've started to look for work by the end of the month or next month. His candle was burning at its brightest, and it was cruelly snuffed out.

The worst thing about these sudden, unexpected tragedies is that it makes you think about your own mortality, and those of the people close to you.

The weirdest thing is that, people who are old and/or are ready to die are the ones who keep on leaving long healthy lives, even after life-threatening operations and other such things. It's really all very strange how life works out sometimes.

When I received the news, I was visiting an uncle who only recently had a heart-bypass operation and is already in the pink of health less than one week after the surgery. The irony is not lost on me, although i fail to be amused by it. Not surprising, considering the circumstances. I also didn't fail to see the irony between the circumstances and the name I picked for this blog.


Life is always either too short or too long. It's never just the right length for some reason.

Oh well....

William, wherever you are, know that your friends will always remember you.
Rest in peace, pal.


Life, choices and what-ifs

Life, to me, is simply a series of choices and the decisions we make. A series of what-ifs and why-didn't-I's. Between choosing to give something a shot, and being left behind to pick up the pieces of our so-called lives.

And of course, like I said before, making a choice or even making the decision to make a choice is something you have to live with. Learning to live with your choices is how we grow as human beings. We learn, we make the same mistake, and we learn some more.

Like they said, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." And that's what makes us human, isn't it? The ability to fall down, get up, fall down again and get up again. Facing life, facing the truth, facing all the decisions we've made and knowing that you've grown stronger.

Life sucks that way I guess, but what's life without a little bit of risk huh? ;)

So go on, take a fucking chance, learn to live with your mistakes; and most importantly, know that the decisions you made makes you who you are. The person that's staring back at you from the mirror. :)


Do you believe in soulmates?

Some people are afraid that at any time, they may have inadvertently let their soulmate go.

As for me, I believe that if a person is your soulmate, then that person will be there at the right time and at the right place when the stars are in the right position and all that. When the two soulmates are meant to meet each other.

If you've watched Serendipity, you'll see the same thing happening. The two of them met by chance, and then years later are finally reunited when they realize that they really are soulmates.

Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic, who knows? But nevertheless, just think about it.

Life is about choices, and with choices come regrets. But choosing to let a person who you think is your soulmate go, I think, is a regret that you can live with. Because one day, at one special place, no matter who your soulmate is, the two of you will meet.

After all, like a great man once said, "If you love someone, set them free."

That was Sting, in case you don't know. :)




Why are people so afraid of loneliness? It's as if it's a phobia that affects every person in the world. Even those who prefer solitude!

Have you ever had one of those days when you feel so alone even though you are in a big crowd? It's kind of scary sometimes, isn't it?

What about those people who seem to prefer loneliness and solitude? Is it simply by choice? Or are they just in perpetual denial? I mean, solitude can be nice once in a while, when you just need to get away from it all. And it makes you appreciate the company of others even more. But don't these people just simply overdo it by shutting themselves off from the rest of the world?

Oh well.....

My Fair Lady

Excerpt from "Show Me"
sung by Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady

...Don't talk of stars, burning above. If you're in love, show me!
Tell me no dreams filled with desire. If you're on fire, show me!
Here we are together in the middle of the night!
Don't talk of spring! Just hold me tight!
Anyone who's ever been in love will tell you that this is no time for a chat!
Haven't your lips longed for my touch? Don't say how much, show me! Show me!
Don't talk of love lasting through time. Make me no undying vow. Show me now!

For all you lonely people out there...


Loneliness comes
as a bitter pill
on your tongue
with no way to wash away the taste
other than the sweet taste of a lover's kiss
falling gently upon your lips


Fear is the mind-killer...

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.

Only I will remain.

-- Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear


Brushes with poetry

Song of the Wandering Angus
by William Butler Yeats

I went out to the hazel wood,
Because a fire was in my head,
And cut and peeled a hazel wand,
And hooked a berry to a thread;
And when white moths were on the wing,
And moth-like stars were flickering out,
I dropped the berry in a stream
And caught a little silver trout.

When I had laid it on the floor
I went to blow the fire a-flame,
But something rustled on the floor,
And someone called me by my name;
It had become a glimmering girl
With apple blossom in her hair
Who called me by my name and ran
And faded through the brightening air.

Though I am old with wandering
Through hollow lands and hilly lands,
I will find were she has gone,
And kiss her lips and take her hands;
And walk among long dappled grass,
And pluck till time and times are done
The silver apples of the moon
The golden apples of the sun.

Death surrounds us...

it's everywhere. wherever you look, whatever you listen to, it's all around you.

if you haven't noticed it yet, you should.