When I first started off studying computing, I've wanted to become a game designer/programmer, but then I eventually dismissed it as just a young kid's fantasy. And now, I'm actually living my dream!
It's surprising how when you least expect it, when you give up on something, when you think: "Nah... that's never gonna happen.", life suddenly turns around and surprises you?
But of course, it works both ways, when you really want it, when you're absolutely optimistic about something, it never happens. Lady Luck just turns her shining face away from you. Life's funny that way, don't you think?
Anyhoo, although work's fine, i do have to deal with the occasional
Met a lot of really nice people from my talent school. They're all quite friendly, and we all hang out together quite a bit. So even if I won't be a big-time celebrity (in fact, not bloody likely :P), at least I would've made some really nice friends to hang out and have fun with.
Well... I guess that's about it for now. I'll try to update more often from now on. ("try" being the operative word of course).