So, it's been roughly 2 weeks since I quit my job. And oddly enough, my wisdom tooth suddenly decided to grow and break through the gumline on the night after I quit. One of my former colleagues thinks that it probably means that quitting the job was the wisest decision I've made in my life so far. I prefer to think that I've gone away from the job wiser than I ever was before in my life.
Anyhoo, just for a quick update, I know I complained before about how my (former) boss wasn't going to pay me. But they did, in the end. And that was the end of that.
So, what have I been doing with all my free time, you say? Nothing much, really. Looking for a new job, watching movies, reading, playing games, etc., etc. In other words, just bumming around.
Oh, and I did this on the night I quit. It was the most fun I've ever had in a long time. :P
*slaps forehead*
*kicks self in the ass*
*slaps forehead*
*kicks self in the ass*
Misery loves company
Met a friend of mine today, whom I haven't seen in a while, and had a nice long talk.
It's good to know that there are others out there who are as miserable, pissed off and disgruntled as I am.
I know I shouldn't feel that way, but I guess I'm just jaded....
Anyway, 26 days to go.
It's good to know that there are others out there who are as miserable, pissed off and disgruntled as I am.
I know I shouldn't feel that way, but I guess I'm just jaded....
Anyway, 26 days to go.
The Governator
Well, well, they've got Governor Arnold "I'll Be Backed" Schwartzenegger in California now. And despite the major attacks on his campaign, too.
Just speaks volumes about the power of fandom eh?
Now, Californians are gonna have to learn to pronounce his surname (and spell it, too!)
"And now, I would like to welcome Governor Schwartzne... Schartze... Governor Arnie."
Just speaks volumes about the power of fandom eh?
Now, Californians are gonna have to learn to pronounce his surname (and spell it, too!)
"And now, I would like to welcome Governor Schwartzne... Schartze... Governor Arnie."
And for my next trick... I shall run faster than a speeding bullet!
Jeezus H. Christ!
It's not as if the deadlines were not already ridiculous before, but this really takes the cake.
There goes another weekend...
Worse, my boss is trying to stiff me again before I leave. Saying that under labour laws annual leave is not an entitlement, and that I'm not entitled to clear my leave nor to be compensated for not being allowed to do so. And when I showed her what the labour laws really say, she said that she's dissapointed in me because I actually went and checked up on it.
I mean, c'mon, seriously! Haven't you guys stiffed me enough already?
On another note, met up with PJ and some of the other MASIG people again... finally! :p
Oh, and did I tell you that Firebird rocks? Oh, and Thunderbird is awesome as well.
So long Internet Explorer! So long Outlook Express! I've got a new love in my life now!
It's not as if the deadlines were not already ridiculous before, but this really takes the cake.
There goes another weekend...
Worse, my boss is trying to stiff me again before I leave. Saying that under labour laws annual leave is not an entitlement, and that I'm not entitled to clear my leave nor to be compensated for not being allowed to do so. And when I showed her what the labour laws really say, she said that she's dissapointed in me because I actually went and checked up on it.
I mean, c'mon, seriously! Haven't you guys stiffed me enough already?
On another note, met up with PJ and some of the other MASIG people again... finally! :p
Oh, and did I tell you that Firebird rocks? Oh, and Thunderbird is awesome as well.
So long Internet Explorer! So long Outlook Express! I've got a new love in my life now!
Quake in fear, Redmond...
For the Firebird has arrived!
Well, kind of. The latest milestone build was 0.6.1, and it's still got some bugs and some unfinished features. But man, even at this stage of development, it's already very impressive. When it reaches the release stage, I'm willing to bet it's gonna blow IE out of the water.
My favourite feature? No more whack-a-mole!
So go on, love yourself a little: Go download this nifty application. It'll be the best thing you've ever done for your PC (and for yourself). ;)
Well, kind of. The latest milestone build was 0.6.1, and it's still got some bugs and some unfinished features. But man, even at this stage of development, it's already very impressive. When it reaches the release stage, I'm willing to bet it's gonna blow IE out of the water.
My favourite feature? No more whack-a-mole!
So go on, love yourself a little: Go download this nifty application. It'll be the best thing you've ever done for your PC (and for yourself). ;)
I feel cheated.
For two weeks I've been trying to get a glimpse of Mars, but no dice. The weather's been so cloudy and smoky that I can't even see the moon! Even on the day that Mars was supposed to be nearest! And then a coupla days ago, I can finally see the moon. But guess what? That's right, no Mars to be seen.
This sucks.
This sucks.
What?! Not another one...!
Micro$oft just announced yet ANOTHER security flaw in Windows.
At the rate this is going, I'm seriously thinking of downgrading my home PC to Windows 98 SE... Or better yet, upgrading to linux.
'Course, I'll miss the games that I can play on Windows. And also the fact that linux doesn't have a decent port of QuickTime player, and considering that most trailers are in .mov format, this is quite a drag. (If anybody reading this knows of a decent linux app that plays .mov files, lemme know here. Cheers.).
Anyhoo, that's what you have dual-booting for, right? I've been telling myself that I'm gonna setup my PC for linux-readiness, but until now, I still haven't done so. Mostly because there still isn't a really easy way to do Windows-based things on a linux machine, even if you have a dual-boot system. The best, of course, is still rebooting.
Another peeve I have is that there's no package out there that allows you to write to your other OS's partition. Reading is fine (with explore2fs for reading my linux partition from windows and kernel-ntfs for windows from linux), but I still haven't found one that supports writing yet, even in root mode. Even though I did an smbmount with rw permissions and the proper mask set. Again, if anybody knows of something that does this (or if someone knows how to do it right so that it'll write as well, lemme know here. Thanks. :)).
And last, but not least, I still dunno how to get non-latin characters (read: chinese/jap/etc. characters) to display properly. Nor how to get non-latin input on linux. Which is why I still need to switch back to Windows at work now and again to do some work using Asian fonts.
Don't get me wrong, though. Despite all these things, I love using linux. It's fast and stable, which is more than what I can say for certain other OSs. :P
Anyhoo, until I've figured out how to do all these things without going back to Windows, I'll still keep using dual-boot.
Long live dual-boot! (What'll us on-the-fence-ers do without it? ;))
At the rate this is going, I'm seriously thinking of downgrading my home PC to Windows 98 SE... Or better yet, upgrading to linux.
'Course, I'll miss the games that I can play on Windows. And also the fact that linux doesn't have a decent port of QuickTime player, and considering that most trailers are in .mov format, this is quite a drag. (If anybody reading this knows of a decent linux app that plays .mov files, lemme know here. Cheers.).
Anyhoo, that's what you have dual-booting for, right? I've been telling myself that I'm gonna setup my PC for linux-readiness, but until now, I still haven't done so. Mostly because there still isn't a really easy way to do Windows-based things on a linux machine, even if you have a dual-boot system. The best, of course, is still rebooting.
Another peeve I have is that there's no package out there that allows you to write to your other OS's partition. Reading is fine (with explore2fs for reading my linux partition from windows and kernel-ntfs for windows from linux), but I still haven't found one that supports writing yet, even in root mode. Even though I did an smbmount with rw permissions and the proper mask set. Again, if anybody knows of something that does this (or if someone knows how to do it right so that it'll write as well, lemme know here. Thanks. :)).
And last, but not least, I still dunno how to get non-latin characters (read: chinese/jap/etc. characters) to display properly. Nor how to get non-latin input on linux. Which is why I still need to switch back to Windows at work now and again to do some work using Asian fonts.
Don't get me wrong, though. Despite all these things, I love using linux. It's fast and stable, which is more than what I can say for certain other OSs. :P
Anyhoo, until I've figured out how to do all these things without going back to Windows, I'll still keep using dual-boot.
Long live dual-boot! (What'll us on-the-fence-ers do without it? ;))
30 July 2003
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday, happy birthday
Happy birthday to me.
Well, someone should care...
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday, happy birthday
Happy birthday to me.
Well, someone should care...
Vivid dreams
Have you ever had a dream so real, that it stays with you for your whole life? The kind of dream that you can recall anytime you want, recalling every single detail, every single word, every single sensation, every single emotion? All the peoples, places & events?
* There was actually more here, but my connection died as I was posting it. I can't remember what I typed anymore, and it's probably best to leave it at that.
* There was actually more here, but my connection died as I was posting it. I can't remember what I typed anymore, and it's probably best to leave it at that.
It has begun...
Well, so Shrub ("little Bush", geddit?) has finally gone loco on Iraq.
So much for the efforts that a lot of people has made (NUS for Peace, Masturbate for Peace) to prevent it from happening.
Oh, well...
"May God have mercy on us all."
-- JFK, and many other US Presidents upon announcing that the US is going to war.
So much for the efforts that a lot of people has made (NUS for Peace, Masturbate for Peace) to prevent it from happening.
Oh, well...
"May God have mercy on us all."
-- JFK, and many other US Presidents upon announcing that the US is going to war.
Random Thoughts
man... you know, you realize something when you're still at work after most everybody has left and you have a FREE ticket to a party for that day.
a li'l background:
anyway, the story is, i was with my brother last sunday in orchard
we were walking towards heeren for dinner after visiting a relative at mt. elizabeth's hospital.
you know how they always have this open area for promotions and events and stuff next to heeren?
these people were doing it there, and i got accosted by the emcee :P
long story short, i got "coerced" into participating in a game (blow a baloon and see whose pop first), lost, but got a free ticket anyway :P
a li'l background:
anyway, the story is, i was with my brother last sunday in orchard
we were walking towards heeren for dinner after visiting a relative at mt. elizabeth's hospital.
you know how they always have this open area for promotions and events and stuff next to heeren?
these people were doing it there, and i got accosted by the emcee :P
long story short, i got "coerced" into participating in a game (blow a baloon and see whose pop first), lost, but got a free ticket anyway :P
The Verdict (Continued)
No late nights.
No watching movies until 6.00 a.m.
The only good thing is that you have a steady source of income.
No sitting in cafes sipping on a nice cuppa and enjoying the view.
No watching movies until 6.00 a.m.
The only good thing is that you have a steady source of income.
No sitting in cafes sipping on a nice cuppa and enjoying the view.
The Verdict
Ladies and gentlemen, the verdict is in: Working life officially SUCKS.
You don't have time to catch up with your friends, you don't have time to go out and enjoy yourself, you don't have time for you... In short, you don't have time to do shit!
I'm gonna stop now before I ramble on for another 30 pages.
I'm stopping now.
That's it.
Stop it.
I said: STOP IT!
Starting from...
You don't have time to catch up with your friends, you don't have time to go out and enjoy yourself, you don't have time for you... In short, you don't have time to do shit!
I'm gonna stop now before I ramble on for another 30 pages.
I'm stopping now.
That's it.
Stop it.
I said: STOP IT!
Starting from...
Courage in the Face of Death
"Naught broken save this body, lost but breath;
Nothing to shake the laughing heart's long peace there
But only agony, and that has ending;
And the worst friend and enemy is but Death."
-- Unknown (taken from "Melt Down" a.k.a. "The Pegasus Forum", David Schofield)
Nice, huh? Found that in a book, and it's something that's got me thinking for a long time. It took me a while to realize the true meaning behind it, that it's about the courage to face death, and to accept it, with serenity, as a fact of life. As a man lives, so shall he one day die. Ashes to ashes, and all that.
Death is one of the things that people fear the most. The only other thing that people fear more is public speaking. (Ever heard someone say "I'd rather die than speak in front of all those people?"). When my grandparents died, they died with a smile on their lips. This is how I would want to die.
I've been following the news lately about Jessica Santillan, the 17-year-old Mexican-American who died recently because of a botched heart & lung transplant. It's really sad that such a bright young girl, who is so full of life has to die, with tubes sticking out of her frail body and (supposedly) one of the best team of doctors in the United States standing watch. Life's never fair, is it? But from what I can gather, she faced the possibility of dying calmly enough. She was scared, but she accepted it. If that's not courage, I don't know what is. After all, courage is not ignoring your fears, it is confronting it and facing it down. Accepting it, and embracing it. Now, that is true courage.
In Memoriam
Jessica Santillan
23 February 2003
Nothing to shake the laughing heart's long peace there
But only agony, and that has ending;
And the worst friend and enemy is but Death."
-- Unknown (taken from "Melt Down" a.k.a. "The Pegasus Forum", David Schofield)
Nice, huh? Found that in a book, and it's something that's got me thinking for a long time. It took me a while to realize the true meaning behind it, that it's about the courage to face death, and to accept it, with serenity, as a fact of life. As a man lives, so shall he one day die. Ashes to ashes, and all that.
Death is one of the things that people fear the most. The only other thing that people fear more is public speaking. (Ever heard someone say "I'd rather die than speak in front of all those people?"). When my grandparents died, they died with a smile on their lips. This is how I would want to die.
I've been following the news lately about Jessica Santillan, the 17-year-old Mexican-American who died recently because of a botched heart & lung transplant. It's really sad that such a bright young girl, who is so full of life has to die, with tubes sticking out of her frail body and (supposedly) one of the best team of doctors in the United States standing watch. Life's never fair, is it? But from what I can gather, she faced the possibility of dying calmly enough. She was scared, but she accepted it. If that's not courage, I don't know what is. After all, courage is not ignoring your fears, it is confronting it and facing it down. Accepting it, and embracing it. Now, that is true courage.
In Memoriam
Jessica Santillan
23 February 2003
From the inside looking out (Part Deux)
It's certainly been a while since I've updated this blog. Been absolutely bloody busy and knackered. Right now I'm still in the office (it's 2.14 a.m. when I wrote this), where I've been practically living in for the past few days. Heck, for the past bloody week, in fact. Some clients has pushed forward the deadline of a gigantic project and as a result me and the other programmers are stuck in the office working to get the damned thing up in time.
And the weather isn't helping, either. With the aircon being turned off after 6.00 p.m. and temperatures in the high thirties the past few days, you can sort of guess that I'm not exactly a very happy man right now.
Arrgh! I'll be SO glad when this whole thing is over.
I just hope that it doesn't drag into my vacation time that's coming up real soon. It'll be a REAL pain in the posterior then.
Now, I'm not saying that it isn't already, but, hey, if that really happened that would REALLY suck, now, wouldn't it?
In fact, the past few bloody weeks hasn't been really good for me. I wake up most mornings feeling absolutely knackered and wanting nothing more than just to crawl back into my nice, warm, cozy bed. In fact, thinking about it right now makes me feel really depressed. *sigh*
Oh well.... like someone said: "When life hands you a lemon make lemonade; and then throw it in the face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the oranges you asked for in the first place"
(That was Bill McNeal from Newsradio who said that, by the way. Another useless trivia for you to store away until you get the chance to bring it up and impress your friends/a cute girl/guy/your girl/boyfriend's parents... which most probably will never happen anyway, but what the heck, eh?)
Ah well... back to slaving for big corporation again, like the good corporate serf that I am...
See you soon...
I hope...
If I'm still alive by then...
It's certainly been a while since I've updated this blog. Been absolutely bloody busy and knackered. Right now I'm still in the office (it's 2.14 a.m. when I wrote this), where I've been practically living in for the past few days. Heck, for the past bloody week, in fact. Some clients has pushed forward the deadline of a gigantic project and as a result me and the other programmers are stuck in the office working to get the damned thing up in time.
And the weather isn't helping, either. With the aircon being turned off after 6.00 p.m. and temperatures in the high thirties the past few days, you can sort of guess that I'm not exactly a very happy man right now.
Arrgh! I'll be SO glad when this whole thing is over.
I just hope that it doesn't drag into my vacation time that's coming up real soon. It'll be a REAL pain in the posterior then.
Now, I'm not saying that it isn't already, but, hey, if that really happened that would REALLY suck, now, wouldn't it?
In fact, the past few bloody weeks hasn't been really good for me. I wake up most mornings feeling absolutely knackered and wanting nothing more than just to crawl back into my nice, warm, cozy bed. In fact, thinking about it right now makes me feel really depressed. *sigh*
Oh well.... like someone said: "When life hands you a lemon make lemonade; and then throw it in the face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the oranges you asked for in the first place"
(That was Bill McNeal from Newsradio who said that, by the way. Another useless trivia for you to store away until you get the chance to bring it up and impress your friends/a cute girl/guy/your girl/boyfriend's parents... which most probably will never happen anyway, but what the heck, eh?)
Ah well... back to slaving for big corporation again, like the good corporate serf that I am...
See you soon...
I hope...
If I'm still alive by then...
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