
Quake in fear, Redmond...

For the Firebird has arrived!

Well, kind of. The latest milestone build was 0.6.1, and it's still got some bugs and some unfinished features. But man, even at this stage of development, it's already very impressive. When it reaches the release stage, I'm willing to bet it's gonna blow IE out of the water.

My favourite feature? No more whack-a-mole!

So go on, love yourself a little: Go download this nifty application. It'll be the best thing you've ever done for your PC (and for yourself). ;)


I feel cheated.

For two weeks I've been trying to get a glimpse of Mars, but no dice. The weather's been so cloudy and smoky that I can't even see the moon! Even on the day that Mars was supposed to be nearest! And then a coupla days ago, I can finally see the moon. But guess what? That's right, no Mars to be seen.

This sucks.