
Getting to know The Bastard

Recently, I've been reacquainting myself with my favourite Bastard. The Bastard Operator From Hell, that is.

"It's backup day today so I'm pissed off. Being the BOFH, however, does have it's advantages. I reassign null to be the tape device - it's so much more economical on my time as I don't have to keep getting up to change tapes every 5 minutes. And it speeds up backups too, so it can't be all bad can it? Of course not."

Man, I LOVE this guy. :D


Rock On!

Went for a jamming session yesterday with a bunch of friends, and it was really cool.

I mean, man, the whole bunch of us managed to gel together pretty well, even though it was the first time we jammed together. Heck, we even wrote a few songs together!

Anyway, this Friday will be jamming again, though with a different band. We'll see how Friday's session goes. It's basically an entirely new band, because most of the other people have left the country. Hopefully this formation is better than the previous one (and more receptive to trying out new stuff, too).


Liar Liar

Saw this in the papers today about the explosion in North Korea:

"A BBC report said that when Mr. Paek was asked why North Korea had not explained earlier, he told Mr. Rammell that Pyongyang had not done so because all foreign journalists were liars."

Heh. I love those old-school communists. :P


Lesson learnt today

  • Can of paint: $11
  • Paint brush: $1.20
  • Learning to never EVER open a bottle of black liquid shoe polish anywhere near a white wall: FUCKING PRICELESS

On a lighter note, had THE BEST brownies ever today. Like, EVER. Sure, they were chocolate-flavored concentrated coronaries, but who gives a shit? :P


Radio Free PC Speakers (or something)

My PC Speakers are receiving some weird Chinese language radio station.

Damn inferior shielding. And it's Altec Lansing, too! You would've expected a bit more quality from them, right?



Got me a second hand machine from a company that's closing down today. Cost me $350, but now I'm finally gonna have a machine to do experiments and development work on. Yay!

Oh, btw, if any of you wants to get one of the machines (they've got 2 left, I think), drop me a line.


Lost wisdom

I had a very strange dream last night. In my dream, I was reading (writing?) a story, and this is how it went:

"The Boy asked his Father (for his Father was a wise man, learned in all the ways of the world): 'Father, why are people so cruel? Why do they hurt each other so? Why do they persist in doing so, knowing it hurts themselves and others; especially those nearest to them, the ones they care about the most and the ones who care for them the most?'

"And his Father smiled, and sagely replied..."

At this moment, I inexplicably woke up, and try as I might, I couldn't go back and pick up the dream where I left off. And now, all I feel is a profound sadness, knowing that I've probably lost that nugget of dream wisdom forever.


One Two more people got hit by a train today.

This is starting to become a very disturbing trend....