

Yet another one of my ex-colleagues has left the company, and as usual, it was a reason to celebrate. (Quite shocked to find out last week that another ex-colleague left the company several weeks prior, too). We went to Embargo yesterday, and it was a pretty fun night, meeting all the old folks again. Plus, I also got some blog addresses. (Keat, if you're seeing this, the link should say "LiQuid!'s blog". Thanks. :P).

Well, anyway, I should be getting to bed now. Gotta be awake for my class at 9.00 a.m. I know I shouldn't be complaining, because I really want to do this, but bloody hell! I'll be glad when this is over. Well, 2 more weeks to go. Then, exams. Cisco's exam questions look pretty tough. Well, tricky, more than anything. And you can't go back if you happen to miss out on some small nuance in the question and picked the wrong answer. Which seriously sucks, of course. (Cisco certification exams are the only ones where you can't go back and correct your answer).

OK, enough. I really ought to be going off now. G'nite!

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