
A post with a personal touch

Yan complained today that I haven't posted for a long time, and that my last few postings have been pretty technical. So I'm gonna do the decent thing and do a more personal posting.

And, of course, when I do a personal posting, more often than not, I rant, so here goes. I was supposed to take a certification exam last Saturday, but the week before that (on the Thursday, in fact), my boss told me that I had to go for training for the entire following week. So I called the test center, to check if there are any dates available in the near future. I was told there was, and given an email address to send the rescheduling info to.

So I sent an email to the address given to me, and since there was no bounce message, I thought everything was cool. I couldn't check my email for the week after that, and I figured, since the last time I had to reschedule they took their own sweet time getting back to me, why worry?

Imagine my surprise when I checked my email last Monday, and found an email with my test results for a test that I didn't take. At this point, I started panicking. It was late at night, so I couldn't call them. And also, I've already failed my CCNA exam, which means that I'm gonna have to pay for the retake for that one, so there was no fuckin' way I was gonna pay for this one either.

So I called up the next morning, and that was when I found out that the person who gave me the email address earlier gave me the wrong email address. And this person is the Operations Manager, which means, of course, that she should know better than the underling I spoke to. After ranting over the phone, I was told to email the details of my situation to them, which I did.

The next day, I called, to see if anything was moving with the appeal. And the person doesn't even remember what my problem was. So I had to repeat my story all over again before she remembers who I am and what the problem was. That was when she told me that she was about to call the test provider to appeal for a reschedule. "Yeah, right," I thought, "Sure you were."

Thankfully, she called me about an hour later, to tell me that the appeal was successful and that my exam has been rescheduled. Well, goody. Yay. Break out the wine and all that crap.

Oh, well. Hope I'll actually pass this exam. I don't think I'll be able to afford dropping another $250 or so for another test. Sheesh...

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