
The Wheel of Fortune

"The wheel of fortune turns,
round and round it goes.
Where it stops,
no one knows"

The Dead Zone, Episode 1, "Wheel of Fortune"

No, you smeg. Not that Wheel of Fortune. Not the one with Vanna White. :P

With all the luck that I've been getting lately, I've been thinking more and more about how life always has its ups and downs , and how things can't just be good all the time. After all, the wheel of fortune always turns round and round, and sometimes you'll be on top, other times you'll be down below. And I'm just wondering when it's my turn to be down again.

Call me a pessimist if you will, but I prefer to think that I'm a realist. There is absolutely NO WAY that a person can be lucky all the time. At one point or another a lucky streak will end. Lady Luck will move away. The Cornucopia will move on. And Fortuna will smile on someone else.

I just hope the fall won't hurt too much... :|

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