
I've got so much shit it's fuckin' ridiculous

You know how to realize you have too much stuff? Move into a smaller room.

So, my landlord's decided to move back in and kicked me out of the master bedroom into a smaller room. And after moving over, I realized that I have too much stuff. I literally have to shove things off the bed just to be able to sleep, and then pile them back on in the morning so that I can get to the door. I'll eventually get it all sorted out, but it's gonna take time.

Ah, well, at least I have a place to stay, so I can't complain. Plus, sorting through my stuff now and getting rid of all the shit I don't need will make it easier when I eventually move out.

Aw, hell, who am I kidding? I've always known I had too much shit. But living in a big room meant that I can ignore the issue. So it's time to tell myself: "Buck up, buddy. You have too much shit and it's time to get rid of 'em."

*sigh...* I am so NOT looking forward to this. There goes my weekends.... :(

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